Wife Story
Last Augustfest
12/08/04 15:44
There are very few bits of evidence surrounding this party. It lasted 16 years and left very little trace material. The move to Arizona eventually killed Karen's Augustfest party. I let the registration on the website lapse and lost the photographs. I will see if I can pull them from the back tracks of the older PC's I have in the garage. Contributions are encouraged.
Archive: Augustfest Legend
Archive: Augustfest Legend
Horse Ride
17/02/04 19:19
Karen spent plenty of time on a horse farm when she was a girl. She complained constantly about her lapsed riding. She did decide to look up a local stable and we joined her for her return to the saddle.
Photos: Riding
Vow Renewal
10/10/02 15:58
Sometimes you do things because your wife asks you to do them.
Maybe the excuse to go to St. Lucia again helped. It was ten years and she wanted a vow renewal on the beach instead of a larger diamond.
Photos: St. Lucia
Maybe the excuse to go to St. Lucia again helped. It was ten years and she wanted a vow renewal on the beach instead of a larger diamond.
Photos: St. Lucia