Rough ride home from Norwalk, CT with Donkey Kong #157408. Went out east to claim this restored beauty. Got it out of the house, into the drive, wrapped it as the rain started and got into the truck when it really hit.

Fortunately the plastic held, traffic was terrible but that rain only lasted 10 minutes.

Frogger Control

Got the Frogger art and had a chance to apply the Control Panel Overlay tonight. I have to say this looks nice and bright compared to the original. Up next, side art.

Photos: Frogger


Defender left the shop today. This was a solid unit with no operational issues. Artwork was not great, but the control, monitor and gameplay are fine.

Another classic returned to the world.

Frogger Lives

After the power supply swap and a cap kit, Frogger is playable. Needs lights, locks, and a little more love.


There are those among us who believe switching power supplies never fail. This is the third one to fail on me. This boy was pumping out 2.3VDC when it should be +5. Bad power supply you have been replaced.

Log: Frogger (197297)

Qix to the Game Room

Qix is back. I had to sell mine before the AZ to NY move. I have re-acquired this game. This machine is in very nice shape and has more original parts than my first one. Hopefully it will serve well in the game room.