King George Has His Challenge!

Looks like South Dakota is going to serve up the Roe v. Wade challenge for King George Bush's nice new court!

I would like to be optimistic about this one and believe the country is not already sold to Fundamentalists and Oil Barons, but I am having extreme doubts!


I don't have to face a Monday this week! Of course, it is a holiday without pay because I am a lowly consultant. Job hopping has downsides.

Time to get tons done around the house. Mostly hanging art. I have some X10 installs to do. The Nautica room is online, but the library is an outlet short of that goal. I am planning to get the front (porch) lights online and working with the Lounge light to welcome use home.


Note: This is only slightly political in that Arizona was “late” to adopt the holiday

Democratic Control

This just in...

The United States returns to its senses and give control of the House and Senate back to the Democratic Party after 12 years of short cutting due process, closing hearings and bending over backward to please the President.

Thank you.

You may soon be forgiven for letting that Texas moron in control, twice!