Space Invaders

Burn Test

The game is running now. I tested some of my Midway 8080 Power Supply stock while I had the opportunity. Some of them will be useful for the Gun Fight Line Up.


We combined 10050 and 8685 into 10050. Now I am playing Space Invaders!
=>Control PanelNone
=>Moon and star fieldWrong star field

Good bye to 8685, hello fairly nice 10050. Needed to add a few buttons and some time, but well worth the effort.


Picked this up from a former collector who advertised “Free Game Giveaway” on rgvac. We rented a truck and some help and made our way to his house. 3 hours and $400 in help, food, gas and rental fees later we had a garage full of projects.

This cabinet is shot. The bottom is crumbling as we move it. Not much hope for this one without a cabinet transplant.

Half a Game

I acquired Space Invaders 100050 in a multigame swap. The marquee / bezel is missing, no game boards, no space art, no moon art, but a solid cabinet and harness and coin door and speaker.