Lunar Lander


The Lunar Lander is sold! Delivered to the buyer along with some extra goodies for a good price.

Final Tally

Acquisition50Truck and helpers (12 man hours)
Clean and test4bulbs and 2 man hours
Monitor Shroud40Joey Cuda hand cuts nice ones
Board repair400 multiple boardsets
Delivery50 Not far

Board Fix

The board was repaired while I was away. Installed and working now.


JoeyCuda’s reproduction shroud in place. Much better than seeing the back of the cabinet. Now for some glass.

Not yet

We tested the Lunar lander and all the spare boards today, nothing works. One board is close, but it has a constant thrust that is unaffected by the controller. Looks like we will be seeking help on these boards.


Picked this up from a former collector who advertised “Free Game Giveaway” on rgvac. We rented a truck and some help and made our way to his house. 3 hours and $400 in help, food, gas and rental fees later we had a garage full of projects.

This cabinet artwork is in mid restoration. The scratching and tagging of young players are mostly sanded away, but the paint need to be restored. Appears complete, but not working.